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[leetcode] 14. Longest Common Prefix

by 테너토너 2021. 1. 16.

14. Longest Common Prefix


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Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.

If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "".


Example 1:

Input: strs = ["flower","flow","flight"] Output: "fl"

Example 2:

Input: strs = ["dog","racecar","car"] Output: "" Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.



  • 0 <= strs.length <= 200
  • 0 <= strs[i].length <= 200
  • strs[i] consists of only lower-case English letters.


제약 사항이 중요하다는 걸 다시 깨달았다.


list 길이 자체가 0이 될 수 있어서 방어코드가 필요했다. 첫 두번은 왜 에러가 나는지 몰라 구글링을 통해 이유를 알았다.

class Solution:
    def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs: List[str]) -> str:

        list_len = len(strs)
        if list_len == 0: //이 부분이 없어서 두 번 실패
            return ""
        min_str = min(strs, key=len)
        pos = 0

        for i in range(len(min_str)):
            prefx = min_str[0:pos]
            diff = False
            for string in strs:
                if prefx == string[0:pos]: //이 부분을 그냥 string.find를 사용해서 중간에 있는 글자도 검색되어 한번 더 실패.
                    diff = True
                    pos -=1

            if diff:
        return min_str[0:pos]


Runtime: 36 ms, faster than 54.74% of Python3 online submissions for Longest Common Prefix.

Memory Usage: 14.3 MB, less than 80.25% of Python3 online submissions for Longest Common Prefix.

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Time SubmittedStatusRuntimeMemoryLanguage

01/16/2021 23:14 Accepted 36 ms 14.3 MB python3
01/16/2021 23:11 Wrong Answer N/A N/A python3
01/16/2021 23:08 Runtime Error N/A N/A python3
01/16/2021 23:05 Runtime Error N/A N/A python3



/// vertical 방법

class Solution:
    def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs: List[str]) -> str:
        if not strs:
            return ''

        min_str = min(strs, key=len)
        if not min_str:
            return ''
        elif len(strs) == 1:
            return strs[0]
        for i in range(len(min_str)):
            prefx = min_str[0:i+1]
            for string in strs:
                if prefx == string[0:i+1]:
                    return prefx[0:len(prefx)-1]
        return prefx
