South Korea3 Korea Culture Shock - Toilet 1 (men's toilet, bathroom, rest room) Cleanest toilets in the world If you are a male and planning on a visit to South Korea, then, you should definitely read this article or else you might freak out in a place where you have never imagined you would. I personally think that South Korea has the most hygienic public toilets in the world. Here are some google images. I searched "Rest area toilet". Pretty neat, hah? => There are many, .. 2018. 5. 18. KTX/SRT 무료 와이파이 Free Wifi in high speed trains How to use the free wifi in high speed trains KTX and SRT 한국은 어딜 가든 와이파이든 셀룰러 통신이든 연결되어 있다. 고속 기차인 KTX와 SRT에서도 무료 와이파이를 사용할 수 있다. 스마트폰의 와이파이 설정창이나 랩탑의 무선랜 설정창에서 무료 와이파이를 찾아보자. You'll find free WiFi everywhere in South Korea. Even in the high speed trains like KTX and SRT. Open up your WiFi settings tab on your smart phone or laptop and choose SRT_WiFi or KTX-WiFi. 연결하고 나면 인터넷창에 동의를 구하고 연결하는 버튼을 .. 2018. 5. 17. How to use FREE WIFI in South Korea!! (hotspot) sorry, it's been blocked!! I am sorry, I just found out as well. It has been blocked by the company. I'll look for another way.In this blog, in this category, I am gonna tell you guys some tips which will be useful when you are staying or travelling around in Korea. So for the first post in TIPS!FREE WIFI!! Nowadays almost everyone has their own smart-phones or laptop. While I was in europe, travelling, I bought USIM from.. 2012. 7. 20. 이전 1 다음 반응형